With a 10-year history in the field of import and export of various grains, spices and fertilizers, agriculture works in order to promote the economic goals of this region. Smoothing the export and import of the best products with the best trade conditions for domestic and foreign traders is our main concern. Iran is one of the most consumed countries in the world in the field of spices, but due to weather conditions, most of the spice trade in Iran is dedicated to imports. And only five types of spices (saffron, cumin, angelica, sumac and red pepper) are produced and exported in Iran. Fertilizers increase soil yield by strengthening the soil and increasing its fertility, both qualitatively and quantitatively. This is very important for our producers. Now, Sadr Novin Khorasan Business Efforts, using the experiences of food experts, intends to provide a platform for raising the quality level of various grains, spices and agricultural fertilizers so that domestic producers can easily access markets outside this border and environment. Iran is an active market due to its favorable climatic conditions for growing legumes, which have a special place in the household food basket as rich sources of protein, vitamins and minerals. Due to this issue, entering the global market and continuing to be present in this market requires high quality and quality of products that Sadr Novin Khorasan Trading to trade professionally the best products produced in the country to gain more satisfaction of exporters and traders and hope As in the past, by providing the best services, be proud of customer satisfaction

Production Group

Years of Experience

Export Products
