Nuts and Oilseeds

Sunflower Seeds

Sunflower Seeds

Sunflower seed is a seed that is harvested from the flowers of the sunflower plant. While a striped, black skin surrounds the seeds, the sunflower seeds themselves are white and have a delicate texture. You can eat the seeds raw, roasted or in other foods. These seeds...

Basil Seeds

Basil Seeds

Basil seeds, also known as sabja seeds, are black seeds that are very similar to chia seeds and have many health benefits. They are native to India, but differ from the sacred basil, also called Tulsi. Basil seeds or syrup seeds are good for growth, health,...



Flaxseeds are small, oily seeds that are rich in various vitamins and minerals. Among the minerals in flaxseed are iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and zinc. It is important to know that flaxseed contains a significant amount of B vitamins. The amount of vitamin...



Cashew oil seed is a small part of the fruit of the tropical cashew tree. These small cashew are attached to the lower part of the cashew fruit and as long as they attach to the mother plant, they are completely green and have a very hard skin. Cashew seeds should not...