
feed barley

Feed Barley: Commonly Questions

Barley can be included as an energy source in the diet of most animal classes. Its protein content is not much different from other cereals. However, it has higher fiber levels and lower energy levels, and should be used in animal diet in a managed manner. barley is used to feed farm animals, including cattle, sheep, horses, and poultry.

benefits of basil seeds

Unique benefits of basil seeds (chia); elixir of health

Basil seeds, also known as sweet basil, are probably overlooked by most of us in the supermarket aisle, but what a big mistake! These nutrient-rich seeds can be very beneficial for your health. These seeds are packed with health benefits and this article discusses 15 of these benefits in detail.

Benefits and properties of cardamom

Health benefits of cardamom based on scientific research

Cardamom is a spice with a spicy and slightly sweet taste that some people compare it to mint. It is used in sweet and savory recipes. Cardamom seeds, oils and extracts are thought to have remarkable medicinal properties and have been used in traditional medicine for centuries.

Proven Benefits of lima beans for health

Proven Benefits of lima beans for health

The name lima beans comes from the word Lima, the capital of Peru. Surely you know that beans have many benefits for human. But do you know all the benefits of lima bean? In this article, we provide you with some of the many benefits it can provide to your body.

Health benefits of sunflower seeds that you must know

Health benefits of sunflower seeds that you must know

Sunflower seeds, which are rich in nutrients, are actually the fruits of the sunflower (Helianthus annuus). These tiny white seeds are enclosed in grayish black shells. These soft seeds have a mild nutty flavor. You can roast them to make them taste better or eat them as they are.

Black pepper and all these amazing properties

Black pepper and all these amazing properties

Black pepper, also known as the king of spices, has many health benefits and one of the main benefits of consuming pepper is that it helps in weight loss. It is also said to prevent cancer by detoxifying the body. When this spice is added to food, it makes your food taste better and more spicy.

Unique benefits of basil seeds (chia); elixir of health

Unique benefits of basil seeds (chia); elixir of health

Basil seeds, also known as sweet basil, are probably overlooked by most of us in the supermarket aisle, but what a big mistake! These nutrient-rich seeds can be very beneficial for your health. These seeds are packed with health benefits and this article discusses 15 of these benefits in detail.

Impressive benefits of cinnamon for health

Impressive benefits of cinnamon for health

Cinnamon is a very delicious spice that is obtained from the inner bark of trees called cinnamon. This substance has been used as an element throughout history and dates back to ancient Egypt. In ancient times, it was a very rare and valuable spice and was considered as a suitable gift for kings.

Benefits of red lentils: nutritional and health

Benefits of red lentils: nutritional and health

Lentils are cheap and very nutritious legumes. They are small, round, lentil-shaped legumes that come in a variety of textures, flavors, and colors such as green, brown, black, yellow, and red. Red lentils can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for longer periods of time.

Flaxseed; 9 best benefits for health

Flaxseed; 9 best benefits for health

Flaxseed is rich in nutrients and its consumption is associated with numerous benefits. It is especially rich in thiamine, a B vitamin that plays a key role in energy metabolism as well as cell function. Here are 9 benefits of flax seeds that have been scientifically proven.

Ten amazing benefits of black-eyed peas for health

Ten amazing benefits of black-eyed peas for health

Black-eyed beans have many benefits, including energy production, tissue repair, and more. This protein plant contains enough fiber to help control weight. It also reduces the effects of diabetes, strengthens bones, controls blood pressure, minimizes indigestion and more.

Nutritional value and benefits of cottonseed meal

Nutritional value and benefits of cottonseed meal

We all know that cotton is a valuable substance around the world. But its by-products, such as cottonseed meal, are of great value! Today, the use of cottonseed meal is increasing because some livestock are not affected by gossypol and cottonseed meal can reduce their breeding costs.

Extraordinary benefits of ginger

Extraordinary benefits of ginger

Ginger is a flowering plant native to Southeast Asia. This food is one of the healthiest spices on earth. Ginger can be used fresh, brushed, dried, powdered or as an oil or juice It is sometimes added to processed foods and cosmetics. Some of the properties and benefits of ginger include the following.

Red Beans; 20 health benefits of red beans

Red Beans; 20 health benefits of red beans

Red beans are reddish brown in color with a mild flavor when boiled, but easily absorb the flavor from any seasoning in which it is cooked. They are high in folic acid, calcium, fiber and protein, among other essential nutrients, all of which are important for the proper functioning of the body.